I can honestly say that having a colour consultation with Barbara was life-changing! I contacted her after seeing a mutual friend’s make-up done by Barbara, which looked fantastic. The afternoon itself was one of pure girly indulgence and great fun. The outcome was astonishing. The first time I wore one of ‘my’ colours (one that I would not normally have chosen), I was complimented twice on how well I looked - something that hadn’t happened in years. But life-changing? Well, over the last couple of years I have built up a wardrobe that goes together - it’s easy to put together great outfits from a selection of co-ordinated staples. I’ve saved money - no more costly mistakes, buying clothes that simply don’t suit me and end up unworn. I’ve saved massive amounts of shopping time - I don’t even bother to look through whole racks of clothes that aren't in my colour range. I’ve de-cluttered and got rid of things that just don’t work for me. And I’ve gained confidence from the compliments I receive when I wear a colour that really suits me. It might sound like hokum, but trust me, it works!